Buyers Workbench Software for Procurement Planning
A Powerful Solution for Buyers and Supply Planners
Built Specifically for Procurement
There are many supply planning solutions, but few address the pressing needs of purchasing teams in distribution-intensive industries such as wholesale distribution, retail, and foodservice. Based on our years of experience working with innovative companies, Buyers Workbench offers a comprehensive procurement planning solution tailored to the unique needs of buyers in such industries.

Why Choose Our Procurement Planning Software?
Generate Purchasing Plans that Meet a Full Range of Vendor Constraints
Create order plans that meet vendor requirements at the order, line item, and item group levels. Choose from among different approaches including reorder point, economic order quantity, and min-max.
Reduce Costs Through Optimal Truck Loading
Lower transportation and ordering costs by optimizing truck and container loading based on weight, cube, and pallet constraints. Build optimized full truck loads when picking up from multiple vendors.
Optimize Forward Buy Decisions to Take Advantage of Supplier Discounts
Take full advantage of vendor temporary price reductions and volume discounts by trading off the purchase price with inventory carrying costs. Investment buys can become a major source of increased profits.
Increase Efficiencies with Distribution Requirements Planning
Minimize inventory by balancing supplies across DCs before resorting to new purchases. Increase warehouse operational efficiency by leveling capacity needs based on ordering and receiving calendars.
Continuously Improve Operations using Post-Mortem Analysis
Analyze the root cause of out-of-stocks and excess inventory. Take corrective action to minimize repeat problems.

Advanced Features for Procurement Planning
- Improve procurement agility. Postpone or expedite open purchase orders based on changing demand conditions.
- Minimize inventory while meeting service-level goals. Generate better safety stock recommendations by calculating demand and lead-time variance more accurately.
- Increase warehouse receiving efficiency. Plan deliveries while taking into account receiving calendars to avoid receiving-dock bottlenecks and poor labor utilization.
- Plan seamless transitions for seasonal and holiday items. Automate the process of closely monitoring demand and supply and adjusting purchasing needs accordingly.
- Increase profitability by recommending alternate sources. Balance considerations of price and lead time to spread orders across primary and alternate suppliers.
- Reduce inventory by planning minimum order quantities at the item-group level. Plan orders for a group of related items rather than having to buy a minimum quantity of each item.
“New Horizon is a key part of the company’s strategic initiative to transform its supply chain. Buyers Workbench enables the company to precisely control replenishment orders, truck load building, and inventory levels to minimize costs while maintaining the highest possible service levels for the restaurants.”
Director of Procurement
Top 10 Quick Service Restaurant Chain

Create Optimal Procurement Plans
Better purchasing planning can turn your procurement department into a source of strategic cost advantage. Buyers Workbench helps buyers take command of the purchasing process. As a result, companies can obtain benefits such as:
Increase service levels by 5-15% while reducing inventories by 4-20%
Improve margins
from forward buying
and truck loading optimization
Improve buyer productivity by automating the order planning and analysis process
Increase resilience
and agility by creating
a more responsive
supply chain

Built on an Enterprise-Class Supply Chain Platform
Buyers Workbench is built on the New Horizon Platform, which provides a more intelligent yet simpler planning solution by taking full advantage of the latest cloud and data science technologies. The result is an intuitive user experience, faster time to value, and better plans. Planning Made Easy™.